North Hunterdon and Voorhees School Profiles
If you are considering going on a college visit make sure to fill out the College Visitation Form
Make sure to hand this form in to the counselor three days before the visit. When you are at the college remember to get a letter from admissions on the letterhead of that college stating you were visiting on that day and hand that letter in to attendance. This letter from the college is needed in order to excuse the day you were out of school.
Counselor Recommendation Questionnaire Google Doc
Once open in Google make sure you click file, make a copy, and rename to a suitable file name that you will know what it is. You can then share it with the counselor or print it out and hand it in.
Parent Questionnaire Google Doc
Once open in Google make sure you click file, make a copy, and rename to a suitable file name that you will know what it is. You can then share it with the counselor or print it out and send it in.