Athletic Travel Release Form By completing this form, I, as the student's parent or guardian, am certifying that I am personally transporting the student named below, or have arranged transportation with an adult (non-student) of my choosing for this student. I understand that the North Hunterdon High School Athletic Rules require that students ride the buses to and from all athletic events and a departure from this requirement will release the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District from all liability for any adverse results that may occur. I agree to release the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District and its employees and officers from all liability with reference to the below stated transportation.Today's Date* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Name of Student-Athlete* First Last Sport*BandBaseballBoys BasketballGirls BasketballCheerleadingCheer-Dance TeamBoys Cross CountryGirls Cross CountryBoys FencingGirls FencingField HockeyFootballBoys GolfGirls GolfGymnasticsBoys Indoor Track-WinterGirls Indoor Track-WinterBoys LacrosseGirls LacrosseSki/Snowboard ClubBoys SoccerGirls SoccerSoftballBoys SwimmingGirls SwimmingBoys TennisGirls TennisBoys Track & Field-SpringGirls Track & Field-SpringGirls VolleyballBoys VolleyballBoys WrestlingGirls WrestlingUnified SoccerUnified BasketballUnified BowlingField TripTeam/Level*VarsityJVFreshmanLocation of Game*Date of Game/Match/Contest* Single Date (select below) All Season (enter date of first game/match/contest below) Senior Athlete Driving Release, All Season (enter date of first game/match/contest below) *Note that all NJ Driving Laws Apply! Individual Date/Game/Contest* Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY Transporting To and/or From Game* Transporting student-athlete TO the game Transporting student-athlete FROM the game to home Please check one or both boxes.Reason for Not Riding the Bus*Name of Parent/Guardian Releasing Student-Athlete for Travel* First Last Emergency Contact Number*Email of Parent/Guardian of Student-Athlete* Consent* By checking this box, I certify that my child named above has my permission to travel to the above contest(s) as defined in the form by means including but not limited to - Parent/Guardian transport, Carpool, Senior Driver, or any other means of transportation that are not recognized as school sponsored transportationEmergency Contact #2 (Name, Relation to Student Athlete, and Phone Number)Emergency Contact #3 (Name, Relation to Student Athlete, and Phone Number) This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.