All students are expected to honor schedule choices that they made in the spring of the previous year. Changes will be granted for the following reasons:
• Student has an error in the scheduling process (conflicts, failure of prerequisite course, etc.)
• Student has a Child Study Team recommendation for a schedule change.
• Student wishes to take additional courses, which will not require the dropping of any courses that are already scheduled.
If there is a legitimate schedule request based on criteria listed, the student will be required to complete a request change form and return it to the guidance area.
• The student prefers a different teacher.
• The student thought the class would be different than it is.
• The student feels that the class is not needed to meet requirements.
• The student has decided he/she wants a lighter class load.
• The student wants to make the schedule more convenient for himself.
• The student feels that the class is boring, not relevant, etc.
Students should always assume they will complete every course, which they have chosen. If, however, a student is deleted from a course, due to a recommendation from a building administrator for disciplinary, attendance, or instructional reasons, a grade of “WF” (Withdrawn Failing) may result. A grade of “WF” is calculated for grade point average as a failing grade.”