Student Advisor Section:
All faculty members are invited and encouraged to sponsor and participate in after school activities. Advisor openings are posted in the Faculty Dining Room. Apply in writing through Dr. Cottrell, Assistant Principal for Operations and Student Services, and copy John Mattes,Director of Student Services.
These activities include dances, clubs, organizations, plays, yearbook, intramurals, and the school newspaper. If you are interested in sponsoring any club, class, or organization, see the Director of Student Activities.
All meetings and rehearsals are held from 2:30 to 3:10 p.m., so students can participate who might otherwise not be able to become involved due to transportation difficulties. A courtesy bus route is in operation. It leaves at 3:10 p.m. For any events in the evening, the students provide their own transportation.
School clubs and classes will not be allowed to sell food items during school hours (7:40 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.). This is a matter of New Jersey State law. Refusal to abide by this policy will result in that club’s loss of privileges with regard to fundraising.
Sponsors, advisors, directors, and the dance chaperones are paid according to the teacher’s contract, provided that the approval has been made through the Student Activities office. Payment will not be made to any sponsor or advisor who has not signed a contract and/or submitted an annual report.
There are many areas in which faculty members can act as positive influences on students. Again, the North Hunterdon community encourages all faculty members to participate in the lives of our students beyond the classroom.
Roles for Club Advisors:
There are many different opportunities for faculty to support students’ interests through club activities.
- Class Advisors help grade levels develop and implement activities throughout the year.
- Over 80 clubs address varied student interests. School spirit activities, performing arts opportunities, intramurals, peer to peer support groups, and service organizations are just some of the activities students enjoy.
Student Activity Advisor Manual:
A Student Activity Advisor Manual has been prepared. It contains information about expectations and procedures, as well as resources. The manual will be distributed to advisors at the annual Student Advisor Meeting.
Pep Rallies: