

Welcome to Mr. Blair’s website. I am excited to have you visit.  We are starting the 4th Marking Period.  The students will be taking the Final at the end of the year, there will not be a 36 week tests.  The students need to review the study guides once they come out.  If students need to make up work they need to come see me to set up a time to make up work.

A small body of determined spirits  fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of  history.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_history.html#ETxj2yrTLAMrdG5i.99

My Schedule:

Mods 1-2: US 2 Core

Mods 3-4: US 1 Core

Mods 5-6: Prep****

Mods 7-8: Cafe A duty

Mods 9-10: Lunch

Mods 11-12: World History CP

Mods 13-14: US 1 Core

Mods 15-16: US 2 Core

Mods 17-18: Transition Duty****


*** Opportunities for extra help during the day.

Extra help is avaliable from 2:30 to 3:10 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday


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Homework & Updates for the Week

Please go to the sites of  Mr. Hank and Mr. Phillips for the most current homework and test dates. Also, make sure to check Home Logic for the most up to date grades. 

Thank you!

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