Hola padres y estudiantes,
Welcome to my page and to the school year! My name is Señora Michelle Kush. This year I am teaching Spanish 1 Advanced and Spanish 3 Advanced. I will be using our Google Classroom page in order to post instructions for assignments, useful links, and resources. Parents: if you are interested to gain access to the Google Classroom for Spanish class, please feel free to send me an email and I will provide you with an invitation link.
I am available after school for help on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays and by appointment. Please remember that Second Language Acquisition is a process and it does take a concerted effort. Our goal is to meet proficiency benchmarks and to develop an appreciation for the cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. I am here to help and I offer my best wishes for a successful year for all.
Señora Michelle Kush
Spanish Teacher