Welcome to the website for Señora Morris’s Spanish Classes. Please navigate the tabs to access specific class information and available resources.
Contact Info: email: smorris@nhvweb.net phone: (908)-713-4199, ext. 4522
Spanish Honor Society Information: monthly meetings will be on the 3rd Monday of the month. Any other meetings or opportunities for service will be posted into Google Classroom.
Interested in becoming a member of Spanish Honor Society?
- Have you completed at least Spanish 1 & 2?
- Are you currently a junior or senior?
- Are you currently enrolled in Spanish 3, 4 or AP?
- Have you maintained a A or A- average during this time?
If you can answer yes to all these questions, print a copy of your transcript from ASPEN, registration forms (found on the North website or below), along with a $15 check to NHHS Activities and bring it to Señora Morris by Friday, October 8th.