Seniors – Information was emailed and posted to the website about senior trips (dinner cruise 5/29, Dorney Park 5/30. Forms will be accepted THIS WEEK in room 135 during lunches. Any forms turned in after that time are not guaranteed a seat on the bus and will be subject to a late fee.
Peer Tutoring in Math and Science is being offered Mondays through Thursdays after school in room 334.
Next SHIP meeting is TODAY. We will meet L1, L2, and @ 2:30 in room 318. Students should come to one of the meetings
French club will be having a meeting this week TODAY after school in room 256. They will also be having a crêpe sale next Wednesday (3/26)
Art Club meets every Wednesday in Room 243
Images Art & Literary Club meets every Wednesday after school in the Media Center.
English SAT & ACT Help will be meeting every Thursday after school in room 225 with Mr. Crane.
Youth and Govt meets every Thursday in room 312 with Mr. Kirby & Ms. Leonelli.
Seniors, please check out the VHS local scholarships listed on the Counseling Department website. See the Counseling Office if you have questions about a scholarship posting.
Friday Morning Lights (Bible Club) meets every Friday in room 135 at 7am. All are welcome.