Seniors – TODAY is your last chance to hand in the forms and payment for the Seniors Trips (Dinner Cruise & Dorney Park) to be guaranteed a spot on both trips. Your class council will be collecting everything in room 135 during L1 & L2.
Math SAT & ACT Help meets every Monday after school in room 340 with Ms. Wieteszka
Peer Tutoring in Math and Science is being offered Mondays through Thursdays after school in room 334.
French Club will be having a crêpe sale next Wednesday (3/26)
Video Club will meet in room 245 Wednesday 3/26
Art Club meets every Wednesday in Room 243
Images Art & Literary Club meets every Wednesday after school in the Media Center.
English SAT & ACT Help will be meeting every Thursday after school in room 225 with Mr. Crane.
Youth and Govt meets every Thursday in room 312 with Mr. Kirby & Ms. Leonelli.
Friday Morning Lights (Bible Club) meets every Friday in room 135 at 7am. All are welcome.
Seniors, please check out the VHS local scholarships listed on the Counseling Department website. See the Counseling Office if you have questions about a scholarship posting.
The VHS Drama Club will be performing Fiddler on the Roof Thursday, April 10 through Saturday, April 12 at 7pm and Sunday April 13 at 2pm. If you are interested in getting tickets, please see or email Mr. Reynolds.