October 2020
Dear North Hunterdon Community,
In accordance with the Anti-Bullying Act, the first week of October has been classified as the “Week of Respect”. The third week in October is designated as “School Violence Awareness Week”. These weeks are designed to ensure that all students in our school will be receiving age-appropriate instruction on respecting themselves and others. The theme of respect is instrumental in reducing incidences of bullying and helping students feel comfortable in our school. North Hunterdon High School will be observing both weeks in all departments. The following list includes some of the highlights:
- The English Department will infuse a variety of activities focused on what it means to be respectful of oneself and others. Staff members will ask students to recognize the anti-bullying movement as a necessary measure for sustained global citizenship through both nonfiction and fiction texts. Students will write poems or create artwork inspired by their idea of culture to submit to the Northern Lights Art and Literacy Blog. Students will also journal about respect and what it means to them. Group discussion will be held on what it means to be respectful and why it is important to treat others with respect.
- In Science classes, the students will be focusing on respect for the environment. Click here to learn about the top ten benefits of environmental education. Some classes will have students create a TKN Journal (True, Kind, and Necessary) to evaluate thoughts and reflect on being respectful and thinking before one speaks. An empathy video will be shown and students will be encouraged to email someone they respect. In the Biomed classes, students will focus on patient respect, compassion and empathy. Discussion on what respect means in the medical and scientific communities will be held.
- Social Studies students will be spending time discussing the tragic death of Rutgers student, Tyler Clementi in 2010 and the “Anti Bullying Bill of Rights” that were passed in the aftermath. A brief NJ.Com article covering this even will be discussed and the legacy of the legislation ten years later.
- Special Education classes are planning a variety of activities within each discipline focusing on accepting individual differences between all people. They will be sparking discussions, completing writing assignments, and creating projects. North Unified Social Club will continue to focus through October on the theme of respect.
- Art students will create puzzle pieces that represent themselves and will be showcased on the gallery wall located in the mall, symbolizing how even though we are all different, “we all fit together” to create North Hunterdon High School. Some classes will watch and analyze the movie, “Social Dilemma” about cyber-bullying.
- In the Practical Arts Department, students will have a discussion about cyber-bullying, teasing, and the lifelong impacts of cameras everywhere. They will also discuss owning mistakes and making amends.
- Driver’s Ed students will watch “Teens Behind the Wheel” video in class and discuss which drivers were respectful or disrespectful and why. Some of the Health students will tie together video clips based on respect and bullying into classroom discussion along with continuing to learn how to help others during emergency situations. Other Health students will be presented with a “dilemma” activity where students will engage in scenarios that involve cyber-bullying, peer to peer issues, team sports and how to handle each situation while respecting yourself and others.
- Students in choir classes will write something positive about another classmate anonymously and then shared.
- The Math Department will have discussions on “what does respect mean to you?” and a pledge activity on bullying/respect is planned. More information on activities planned through the math department and bullying can be found here: http://mathtothe7thpower.blogspot.com/2012/12/math-bully.html
During the “Week of Respect” and “School Violence Awareness Week,” North Hunterdon High School will be placing a major focus on respect as well as violence awareness and prevention. It is my sincere hope that these activities and discussions will evolve into building and maintaining a safe atmosphere of respect and kindness in our school and community.
If you have any questions regarding our planned activities, please do not hesitate to contact my office.
Greg Cottrell, Ed.D.