CP World History Lelko\Phillips 17-18

 Chapter 18 – Islamic Empires (Fall14)


Map of Middle East

WH 1.9- 30 Days18.23


The Above is for the 2017-2018 School Year


Chapter 18 Terms and QuestionsPhillips Started Sept. 6th and due Friday Sept. 9th

Section 3 Terms and QuestionsPhillips


Assigned Wednesday Sept 28th Chpt. 19 Sect 1 pg 535 terms, names, and main ideas, pg 534 Geography Skill Builder questions

Assigned Thursday Sept 29th Chpt. 19 Sect 2 pg 541 terms, names, and main ideas

Assigned Friday Sept. 30 Chpt. 19 Sect. 3 pg 547 terms, names, and main ideas pg 543 Geography Skill Builder questions, pg 548 Copy visual summary An Age of Exploration and Isolation

Monday Oct. 17 pg 477, 485, 494, and 500 Vocab


Thursday Oct. 20 Create and Label Map of the Renaissance\Europe

chapter-17-vocab-ren Thursday Oct. 20

Friday Oct. 21 http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/finding-refuge/       Watch and write a summary






Read article       http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/election-update-the-campaign-is-almost-over-and-heres-where-we-stand/

Nov. 9th presidential-election-of-2016-questions-for-class-on-wednesday


Nov. 21 11%2f14-wh-intro-to-absolutism and 11%2f15-wh-abs-in-spain-and-netherlands

Nov. 23 Read and react http://www.mitchalbom.com/thanksgiving-air-travel-is-for-the-birds/

Nov. 23 Read and react http://www.mitchalbom.com/cheers-for-best-holiday-of-em-all/

Absolutism Project absolute-monarchs-project-1

English Civil War chapter-21-section-5-new-book-parliment-limits

Dec. 12th and 13th Chapter 22 Vocab ALL sections

scientific-rev and locke_vs_hobbes-1

Fighting_World_War_I (3) (1)


Russian_Revolution (2)

Between_the_World_Wars (2)

Apartheid Questions

The Above is for the 2016-2017 School Year


Assigned Sept. 1 Jamestown  – pg 42 Key Terms and Target Reading Skill Chart, pg 45 Comparing Primary Resources, pg 46 Interpreting Graphs, pg 48 Reading Comprehension #4 and Critical Thinking #6

Sept. 8-10 Nightmare of Jamestown Worksheet

Sept. 10 pg 49 Key Terms and Characteristics of Colonies Chart, pg 52 Fast Forward, pg 54 Map Skills, pg 56 Map Skills, pg 57 Reading Comprehension #1 and #4

Sept. 15 pg 59 Key Terms, Reading Skill Chart, pg 61 Interpreting Charts, pg 63 Reading Comp #’s 1,2,&4

13 Colonies Blank Map (1) (1)


9-22 Early American CP- Colonies PPT



Sept 6th pg 109 Key Terms, pg 110 Map Skills, pg 114 Interpreting Graphs, pg 114 Viewing Fine Art, and pg 116 Reading Comprehension #1 & 4

Oct. 13 Due Twitter Project

Worksheet on Acts and Taxes placed on American Colonies

Oct. 20 pg 118 Key Terms and pg 122 Reading Comprehension #2,3,and 4

Oct. 21 pg 126 Comprehension #2,3,4,7, and 8, pg 127 Key Terms, pg 129 Map Skills, pg 132 Reading Comprehension #2 and 5, pg 133 Key Terms, pg 137 Reading Comprehension #4

Chapter 4 Section 2

Explain how the movie the Patriot shows the advantages and disadvantages that the British and Colonist had during the American Revolution.



Section 1 key terms pg 144, interpreting charts pg 146, comparing primary sources pg 148, reading comprehension, 1,2,3

Section 2 key terms pg 150, copy comparing plans for state representation pg 152, interpreting charts pg 152, interpreting diagrams pg 154 and 155, reading comprehension pg 157 2,3,4,5, critical thinking pg 157 #6

11\30 pg 158 key terms, 159 interpreting political cartoons, pg 161 interpreting charts, and pg 163 reading comprehension 2,3,4,and5

12\1 pg 165 key terms, pg 167 notable presidents, pg 169 viewing history and reading comprehension 1,2,3,5 and critical thinking 6

12\15 Due Worksheet on Constitution and 1st Amendment  Court Cases

1/5 Chapter 6 Section 1 Key Terms pg 200, Interpreting Charts pg 208, Viewing History pg 205 A,B,C; Reading Comprehension 1,2,4,and 5

1/13 Chapter 6 Section 2 Key terms pg 207, political cartoons pg 208, map skills pg 212

1/18Chapter 6 Section 3 map skills 216, interpreting graphs a,b,c pg 218, reading comprehension 2

1/21 Chapter 6 Section 4 key terms pg 220, viewing history pg 220, viewing history pg 222, reading comprehension 1,2,4 pg 223

1/25 Chapter 6 Section 5 key terms pg 224, map skills pg 225, comparing primary sources pg 226, viewing history pg 228, map skills pg 229, and reading comprehension #1,4,and 5 pg 229

2/26 Chapter 9 Section 2 key terms pg 318, interpreting graphs pg 320, Viewing history pg 324 and 325, reading comprehension 2,3 and 4

2/27 Chapter 9 Section 4 key terms pg 332, interpreting cartoons pg 332, comparing primary sources p. 333, reading comprehension 1,2,3

2/29 Chapter 10 Section 1 key terms pg 346, viewing history pg 347 and 349, interpreting charts pg 350, reading comprehension pg 350

4th Marking Period

4/11 Chapter 12  Sect. 1 Reconstruction, Key Terms pg 424, Viewing History pg 424, Target Reading Skills pg 424, Reading Comp pg 429 #1 and 2, Analyzing information pg 429 #5

4/13 pg 430 key terms, target reading skills pg 430, map skills pg 432, comparing primary sources pg 433, reading comp. #1 pg 435, and drawing conclusions pg 435

4/18 Key terms pg 436, target reading skill pg 436, interpreting diagrams pg 437, interpreting graphs pg 438, and reading comp. 3 and 5 pg 444

5\1 pg 442 key terms\target reading skills, pg 443 interpreting graphs, pg 444 map skills

Chapter 17 Section 1 key terms pg 584, interpreting graphs pg 587, political cartoons pg 588, Section 2 key terms pg 589, interpreting tables pg 591, map skills pg 592, map skills pg 595, political cartoons pg 596, Section 3 key terms pg 598, map skills pg 599, political cartoons pg 600, map skills pg 602, Section 4 key terms pg 604


On Line Textbook:

Website: http://my.hrw.com/

Login: cpworld

Password: n6v4v

Aug. 29th\Sept. 2nd map of Roman Empire

Sept. 3rd Chpt 6 Sec 1 pg 159 terms\names and main idea, pg 157 copied chart comparing republican governments

Sept. 4th Chpt Sec 2 pg 165 terms\names and #4\#5 main idea

Chpt Sec 4 pg 176 terms\names and pg 174 copied chart of the fall of the Western Roman Empire

On Going Assignment: Gladiator Plot
Instructions: Today we began watching Gladiator.  You are to write the current plot of the movie using complete sentences.  Make sure you include the following important details:
– Roles of the major Characters: Commodus, Lucilla, Maximus, Marcus Aurelius
– How is the power struggle between the characters evident?  How is the power struggle with the senate evident? Explain how Commodus uses fear to rule his empire.

Assignment: Gladiator Summation
Instructions: Today you are to provide a written response to the Movie Gladiator, make sure you answer each of these questions and that the responses are at least 10 sentences.
1. Explain the plot of the movie.
2. Explain how Commodus rules the Roman Empire.
2.b. Does he rule with fear or love?
2.c. Does his style of rule work why or why not?
3. How would you have ruled?  Explain your answer.
Due date: Sept.  23

Sept 26th pg 268 Chapter 10 Section 1 Terms, names, using your notes, and main idea

pg 267 Copy the Five Pillars

Sept. 29th pg 272 Chapter 10 Section 2 Terms, names, and main idea

pg 271 Copy chart

Chapter 18 PPIslam

Oct. 1st\2nd  map of middle east

Oct. 3rd pg 279 term, names, and main ideas

Oct. 8th Test and Work Handed in

Oct. 9th pg 535 terms, names, main ideas

Asia – Core2014

Chpt. 19 Sect 1 pg 535 terms, names, and main ideas, pg 534 Geography Skill Builder questions

Chpt. 19 Sect 2 pg 541 terms, names, and main ideas

Chpt. 19 Sect. 3 pg 547 terms, names, and main ideas pg 543 Geography Skill Builder questions, pg 548 Copy visual summary An Age of Exploration and Isolation

Due Oct. 27th Short Answers to DBQ on the modernization of Japan in the 1800’s.

Due Oct. Oct. 30th Renaissance Report

Core Renaissance2014

Chpt 17 pg 477 Terms, names, and main idea, pg 473 Document Based Questions, pg 474 skill builder,  pg 485 terms, names, main idea, pg 481 skill builder, pg 484 skill builder, pg 494 terms, names, main idea, pg 488 copy chart of causes of reformation, pg 491 copy chart of religious beliefs, pg 500 terms, names, main idea, pg 497 geography skill builder

pg 570 terms,names, main idea, pg 569 Document based questions, pg 575 terms, names, main ideas, pg 573 copy 3 worlds meet, pg 574 skill builders, pg 576 copy visual summary

pg 617 terms, names, and main idea, pg 617 skill builder 1-2, pg 617 copy of connect to today chart

Assignment: Drones, are they dangerous?
Instructions: For this assignment you will be reading this article from newsela about drones and their uses in our society.  At the conclusion of reading the article you are to answer the following questions and submit them when finished.

1.  What does the article discuss?
2. What are some potential dangers of using drones?
3. What are some potential benefits of using drones?
4. Do you think there should be laws created to regulate the use of drones?  Why or Why not?
Due date: Dec 19

French Revolution Packet

Queen Elizabeth movie response questions:

1.What is the social contract? Why does it exist and who does it benefit? Does absolutism abide by it?

2. What social, political, and religious problems does the Queen Elizabeth face during her reign?

3. How does Queen Elizabeth use her marital status to her advantage during her rule.


CoreWorld History Midterm Review

3rd Marking Period Work: pg 681 Skill builder 1&2, pg 685 Geography builder 1&2, pg 686 terms, names, and using your notes, pg 688 Connect to Today 1 &2 copy +\- of nationalism, pg 691 terms, names, main idea 3, pg 692 Skill builder 1&2, pg 694 Geography skill builder 1 & 2, pg 695 skill builder 1, 2, & 3, pg 697 Geography skill builder 1&2, Main idea 3

Inventor Research Organizer and Paper

Modern Times: Explain the difference between the Domestic System and the Wage Factory System by using examples from the movie Modern Times.

Pg 737 Copy Socialism and Capitalism Chart, Skill Builder 1 & 2, Pg 740 Terms, Names, Using Your Notes #2, Main Idea #3, Pg 741 Document Based Questions #1-3.

Nationalism-and-Italy-II (2)

Nationalism in Europe 2014

Pg 773 Terms\Names, pg 777 Geography Builder 1\2, pg 778 Main Idea #4, pg 780 Copy forms of Imperialism and Imperial management methods, pg 784 Main Idea #5, pg 785 DBQ 1-4, pg 787 Geography Builder 1\2, pg 790 Main Idea #4, pg 792 Geography Skillbuilder 1\2, pg 799 Terms\Names, pg 800 Copy Visual Summary Critical Thinking #1 Using Your Notes, pg 801 Standard Based Assessment #3

Chapter 26 Imperialism

Pg 843 Geography Builder #1-2, Pg 844 Terms & Names, Main Idea #5, Pg 849 Terms & Names, Pg 846 Geography Builder #1-2

Pg 856 terms\names, using your notes #2, main idea #3&#4, pg 852 Geography Builder #1&#2, pg 855 DBQ Analyzing Primary Sources #1&#2, pg 856 Skillbuilder #1&#2, pg 857 View of War DBQ #1-#3e

4th Marking Period

Pg 608 Terms\Names, pg 610 Geography Builder #1/#2, Pg 611 Main Idea #4/#5, Pg 691 Define Alexander II, Out come of the Crimean War, Main Idea #5, Critical Thinking #8, Pg 693 Define Russification and Romonov, Pg 736 Define Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, Pg 737 Copy Capitalism vs. Socialism, Define Communism

pg 787 Crimean War – What did it reveal about the Ottomans? Who did the Russians aid? pg 788 The Great Game – Summarize the outcomes concerning Afghanistan, pg 870 Geography Skill builder #1 and #2, pg 871 copy Causes and Effects of Two Russian Revolutions, pg 873 Terms and names, Main Idea #3, pg 875 copy Key Traits of Totalitarianism, pg 878 skill builder #1and #2, pg 879 Terms and names



Pg 909 terms\names, main idea #3, pg 908 Skillbuilder #1-2, pg 911 skillbuilder #1-2, pg 914 terms\names, main idea #3 and #5

Pg 925 terms\names, pg 926 Skill builder #1\2, pg 930 main idea #4, using your notes, pg 936 terms and names, pg 939 using your notes and critical thinking #8, pg 940 terms\names, pg 942 Skill builder #1\2, pg 944 skill builder #1\2, pg 931 terms and names, pg 933 skill builder #1\2, pg 935 main idea #3

Cold_War_in_Asia (1)



9\6 notes on Roman Empire Roman Empire

9\26 Islam power point notes


RomeDarkAgesCatholic notes for the above past two days

Renaissance & Reformation Chapter 15

Exploration and Expansion Chapter 16


Section 2 english civil war

Dec. 16 Started French Revolution Video and Packet

Jan. 7th pg 528 Define, identify, and analyzing info

pg 533 Define, identify, and summarizing

coreNapoleonic Era 2013

3rd Marking Period

Inventors\Inventions Worksheet

Chapter 22 Pg 550 Define and Categorizing

Chapter 22 Pg 554 Define and Contrasting

Agricultural Industrial Revolution

Students watched the opening of the video Modern Times. Students were asked to write a paragraph explaining how the video showed examples of the factory\wage system.

Chapter 22 page 558 define and summarizing

Chapter 22 page 563 define and problem solving

Chapter 22 page 567 define, identify, and evaluating

Chapter 23 pg 575, 582, and 585 Define and Identify

Feb. 19th Test on Chapter 22 and 23 All work is due from the two chapters.

Nationalism and Italy II

Chapter 25 pg 636 define, identify, categorizing, and finding the main idea

Chapter 25 pg 642 define, identify, analyzing information, and finding the main idea

Nationalism in Europe 2014

Chapter 25 pg 652 define, identify, categorizing, finding the main idea

Chapter 25 pg 657 identify, sequencing, finding the main idea

Chapter 25 page 658 Identifying People\Ideas and Understanding the Main Idea

Chapter 26 page 665 Define, identify, and categorizing

Chapter 26 pg 669 Identify, sequencing, finding the main

Chapter 26 pg 674 Identify, define

Chapter 26 pg 681 Identify

World War I & Russian Revolution 2013

Chpt 28 pg 733 define, identify

Chpt 28 pg 737 define, identify

Chpt 28 pg 742 define, identify

Chpt 29 pg 761 define, identify

Chpt 29 pg 764 define, identify

Chpt 29 pg 769 define, identify

Chpt 29 pg 773 define, identify

Chapter 28 – The Great Depression 2013

Chapter 30 785 Identify and Identifying Cause and Effect

Chapter 30 790 Define, Identify, and Summarizing

Chapter 30 795 Define, Identify, and Sequencing

Chapter 30 800 Identify and Identifying Cause and Effect

Chapter 30 803 Identify

Chapter 30 809 Define, identify, and Sequencing

Pg. 897 define, identify, and sequencing

Pg. 905 define, identify, and categorizing

Cold_War_in_the_1960s__70s (6)

Vietnam Independence

The_End_of_the_Cold_War (3)



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