

Welcome to Mr. Blair’s website. I am excited to have you visit.  We are starting the 4th Marking Period.  The students will be taking the Final at the end of the year, there will not be a 36 week tests.  The students need to review the study guides once they come out.  If students need to make up work they need to come see me to set up a time to make up work.

A small body of determined spirits  fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of  history.

Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_history.html#ETxj2yrTLAMrdG5i.99

My Schedule:

Mods 1-2: US 2 Core

Mods 3-4: US 1 Core

Mods 5-6: Prep****

Mods 7-8: Cafe A duty

Mods 9-10: Lunch

Mods 11-12: World History CP

Mods 13-14: US 1 Core

Mods 15-16: US 2 Core

Mods 17-18: Transition Duty****


*** Opportunities for extra help during the day.

Extra help is avaliable from 2:30 to 3:10 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday


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