Meetings: 1st and 3rd Monday of the Month in room 222 at 2:30. We might have extra meetings.
The dues for the year are $10 and cover the following activities:
- Crepe cooking ingredients
- National French Week gift cards
- Supplies ( Christmas Cards, Mask making)
- We sponsor with other language clubs the World Language Ceremony Scholarship for graduating seniors.
- Products for the Window painting in December
- End of the year picnic
- Donation to the French scholarship at the end of the school year
September: Organisational meeting and introduction of officers. Making suncatcher of French monuments.
October: We may sell French bonbons and order club t-shirts. During October meeting, we will organize the French National Week
November : National French Week
- Trivia questions and/or scavenger hunt
- Dessert contest
- Tee-shirt Design Contest
- French Music
- Crepe Cooking
- French Art lesson
December: Window Painting, Christmas Cards, Charity
January: Celebrate “ La galette des Rois” Kings’ cake ( Galette cooking?)
February: Celebrate “ La Chandeleur”: Crêpe Sale
Celebrate Mardi Gras ( mask making)
March: Charity (Sale of Bonbons again)
Explore a French momument – virtually
April: Craft/ Movie? Outdoor activities
May: End of the year Picnic – Outdoor activities
IDEAS: Pen pals,