Class Info

Classes for 2024-25

French 1 Advanced

French 2 Advanced

French 3 Honors

French 4 Honors

Course Expectation

French  2024-25                Bienvenue!

Learning French will be exciting, rewarding and fun. The French language is regarded by many as the most beautiful spoken language in the world.  French culture is admired and imitated the world over.  We can even observe some of its influences in our everyday lives.  We’ll have a lot of fun in French class, but there are a few basic rules that we have to address first.


On parle français ici !!

This means you need to participate everyday in French!!!  You can’t learn to play an instrument or play a sport or learn a style of dance without actually doing it, and you can’t learn to speak French if you seldom speak.  Volunteer to present, participate in your group, answer questions and perform.

Grading policy

   60% – any graded assignment including quizzes, tests (IPAs), projects, oral presentations, essays, etc.

   20% – nightly homework

   20% – quality oral classroom participation         


Make-up work:   Please do NOT interrupt class to ask me what work you missed if you were absent.  You may check the google classroom for our class period and “Aspen” our on-line grade book available through the school’s website for any work missed (this will include both classwork and homework assignments). See me at the end of the period for any other work or test make-ups.  There are two points during the marking period by which all outstanding work must be made up or you will receive a “zero.”  The first is progress report time at the mid-marking period point and the second is at the end of the marking period.  Please refer to your student hand book for further details.

Late work:    No credit is given for late homework that has been corrected in class.  Homework is due at the beginning of the next class period after it is assigned and is usually part of that day’s lesson unless otherwise indicated.  Other graded work may be handed in 1 day late for -10%, 2 days late for -20%, 3 or more days late = 0.

Cuts:  You will NOT be allowed to make up any quiz or test administered on a day where you have a cut in French class.  You will be assigned a grade of “0.”

Substitute Assignments:   All work assigned on a day of Madame Decker’s absence is due the following day.  Assignments will almost always be found in the google classroom.  This work WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE.  All students should be working on their assignment during their French class period. No other work may be done during the class period until the French assignment is completed.

Plagiarism, cheating, copying:  As per district policy, no credit is given for work that is plagiarized, copied, or created through cheating.  A zero will be assigned for falling into this category and the student will be referred to the disciplinarian.  This includes ALL work (homework, tests, quizzes, projects, etc.)   Using a translator is cheating!!!!  Absolutely NO TRANSLATORS electronic or otherwise may be used!  You may NOT use AI (artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT or any other AI) to complete assignments.  Students will be given a list of acceptable resources and told when they will be able to be used.

Required items:

  • The usual:  French textbook, notebook, folder or binder, pen or pencil
  • Fully charged Chromebook
  • Headset or earbuds (for individual listening comprehension activities) Please make sure that they work with your Chromebook.

Behavioral Expectations

  1. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings.
  2. Bring all necessary materials to class.
  3. Listen attentively when others are speaking.  Participate during class by first raising your hand and waiting to be recognized.
  4. Respect other people and property.
  5. Do the required assignments.
  6. Use all of your in-class time productively.
  7. Reserve personal grooming for appropriate places.

Cell Phones

Everyday students will be expected to place their cell phones in the numbered cell phone holder near the door.  Each student will be assigned a numbered slot and place their silenced cell phone at the beginning of the period and may retrieve it during the last 5 minutes of class each day.


You must arrive on time for class EVERYDAY.  You are expected to come with a pass from a teacher or a guidance counselor anytime you are late.  Failure to come without a pass will result in an unexcused tardy.  Three tardies will result in a 30-minute teacher detention to be served at Mme Decker’s convenience or a referral to the office.

Gum, eating, drinking, etc.

No gum period!  French is difficult enough to pronounce without the added nuisance of gum.  Please do not eat in class.  Water is the only permissible drink during class.

Extra Credit:   No extra credit assignments are given.  Do the work assigned, participate daily, and you will not need extra credit.  There are occasional extra credit questions of quizzes or tests.  Additionally, students can sometimes earn extra credit points during a review session before a quiz or test.

Contact Info:  My voice mail at school is: 908-713-4199 ext. 4495

My e-mail address is  .