Monthly Archives: May 2016
MATH & ART: INSIDER – Artist makes sculptures using math
This artist makes geometric sculptures using mathematical formulas.
MATH & MUSIC: Mandalas Music and Math STEAM Unit | EducationCloset
Facebook428TwitterPinterest29Print When we talk about arts integration and STEAM, sometimes we forget that integration can (and should!) happen between fine arts areas too. We spend so much time thinking about standards that naturally connect across […]
Source: Mandalas Music and Math STEAM Unit | EducationCloset
SCIENCE & ART: Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ was re-created with bacteria. It’s as cool as it sounds.
ARTS: More Heart, More Art Through STEAM | Edutopia
SCIENCE & MUSIC: What happens in your body when you sing?
This video was posted on facebook by Quartz, from the Medical Center, University of Frieburg. The video is of a Baritone singer in an MRI.