What is STEAM?

STEAM is:  Science, Technology, Education, Art, and Math

STEAM finds the common ground between the disciplines and encourages cross curricular and innovative lessons. STEAM emphasizes the learning process, and asks students to try new ideas and not just look for the “right answer”.

STEAM represents a paradigm shift from traditional education philosophy, based on standardized test scores, to a modern ideal which focuses on valuing the learning process as much as the results. In essence, we dare our students to be wrong, to try multiple ideas, listen to alternate opinions and create a knowledge base that is applicable to real life as opposed to simply an exam.

Deron Cameron

Former UPES Principal – US’s 1st STEAM Certified School

Current TCSS Curriculum Coordinator

from: http://steamedu.com/

STEM education refers to the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEAM education incorporates the “A” for the arts – recognizing that to be successful in technical fields, individuals must also be creative and use critical thinking skills which are best developed through exposure to the arts.

From: http://www.primetimepbc.org/steam-initiative

Looking for More? This website will be updated to include STEAM resources for all teachers. Education Closet is a great place to start – they have done a lot of the work for us!