Freshmen students will receive/enroll their devices according to the following schedule:
Delivery of District-Issued Devices for Students with Last Name A-F: Thu 11/21/2013
Delivery of District-Issued Devices for Students with Last Name G-L: Fri 11/22/2013
Delivery of District-Issued Devices for Students with Last Name M-R: Mon 11/25/2013
Delivery of District-Issued Devices for Students with Last Name S-Z: Tue 11/26/2013
Enrollment of BYOD Devices brought by Students: Wed 11/27/2013 and Mon 12/2/2013
At NHHS the distribution will happen on the Cafeteria B Annex.
At VHS the distribution will happen on the new Technology Resource Center (old Attendance Office by the Main Cafeteria).
Distribution will happen during lunch mods for the students whose last name start with the letters listed above.
A signed Device Agreement or BYOD Agreement form must be on file at the time of pickup for a Chromebook to be issued.
As previously stated each student participating in the program will receive a Chromebook, a protective case, and a set of earbuds+mic.