MARKING PERIOD GRADE: In general, the marking period grade will be arrived at by averaging the following grades:
- Project/Classwork Grades
- Class Participation Grades
- Homework Grades
- Test/Quiz Grades, if applicable
PROJECT GRADES: in general, projects will be assessed on the following five criteria, please see individual teacher rubrics for details:
- CRAFTSMANSHIP: the degree of skill and clarity by which the student uses/practices when using different art making media
- ORIGINALITY: novel and unique solutions to assigned problems
- COMPOSITION: selecting and organizing the elements of art in a piece of art work so that it works together as a whole.
- EFFORT: degree of effort applied to the project.
- MEETING THE OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT: All work must meet the objectives as stated by the teacher at the beginning of the project.
DUE DATES: In general, grades for projects not turned in on the due date will be lowered 10% per SCHOOL DAY at the discretion of the individual art teacher (no more than 10% per day)
CLASS PARTICIPATION– participation grades will be given based on the following:
- Attendance – students who miss class will be expected to make up work
- Timeliness to class
- Preparedness for class
- Focus in class
- Treatment of studio environment
HOMEWORK GRADES may include: sketches, quality drawings, reports, and written critiques.
When tests are given, we will use the district grading scale.
The grading system is numerical (58-100 effective 7/2/2020). To pass a year-long course, a student must have a final grade of at least 64 and a passing grade of 64 in three of the five major grading factors. These factors include the four marking periods and the final examination. To pass a semester course, a student must have a final grade of at least 64 and a passing grade of 64 in two of the three major grading factors. These factors include two marking periods and the final examination.
Full Year and Semester courses will have a final exam. Final exams are comprehensive; that is, they cover the entire year’s work. If a student has a final grade of 93 or above for a course, then the student is exempt from taking the final exam for that course.
The Final grade will be determined based on the district’s grading policy.
- Year-long course: 22.5% (MP1 Grade) + 22.5% (MP2 Grade) + 22.5% (MP3 Grade) + 22.5% (MP4 Grade) + 10% (Final Exam) = Final Grade
- Year-long course if exempt from final exam: 25% (MP1 Grade) + 25% (MP2 Grade) + 25% (MP3 Grade) + 25% (MP4 Grade) = Final Grade
- Semester course: 45% (MP1 Grade) + 45% (MP2 Grade) + 10% (Final Exam) = Final Grade
- Semester course if exempt from final exam: 50% (MP1 Grade) + 50% (MP2 Grade) = Final Grade
Cheating on tests and plagiarism of art works WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. If a student is found
guilty of cheating or plagiarism, they will receive a 0 for the project or test. Students will be
expected to produce ORIGINAL and CURRENT work for EACH art class. Students who turn in the
same project for more than one class will receive a ZERO on that project. Students who turn in old work
(work from a previous year or class) will receive also receive a ZERO. Photography students are expected to shoot
new negatives for each assignment, to develop and print their own negatives. Having their negatives
developed and/or printed by a store or by another student is considered to be cheating.