Acceptable use policy: This is a policy set up by the network administrator or other school leaders in conjunction with their technology needs and safety concerns. This policy restricts the manner in which a network may be used, and helps provide guidelines for teachers using technology in the classroom. If the AUP is not signed and returned, the student may not use the electronic resources.
Anthology: a book or collection of selected writings by various authors, usually in the same literary form.
Big6 Research Process: Steps to follow to allow one to access, utilize and evaluate information to solve an information problem.
CD-ROM: A round, shiny portable disk that stores large amounts of software and information.
Citation: providing of all publication elements of a source.
Common knowledge: general information about a subject.
Computer-generated: all materials that originate on CD-ROM programs or from any online source.
Database: Any organized collection of information; it may be paper or electronic.
Direct quotation: use of a word, phrase, sentence or passage copied exactly from a source.
Documentation: providing identification of the source of the material as it is presented in the paper.
Electronic databases: A collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data.
Ellipses: the use of three periods (dots) to indicate an omission from a quotation. . . .
Et al.: Latin term meaning “and others”
Hypermedia: documents that combine hypertext links and multimedia elements
Internet: millions of computers around the world connected to each other.
Internet Access Provider (IAP)/Internet Service Provider (ISP): an organization or commercial enterprise that provides access to the Internet.
Microfiche: a sheet of film bearing photographic pages.
MLA citation style: refers to the rules and conventions established by the Modern Language Association for acknowledging sources used in a research paper
Multimedia: documents that contain text, sound, graphics and video elements that are all capable of being displayed to the user.
Paraphrase: restating original text by rewording and by changing sentence structure.
Partial quotation: use of original source material within the writer’s own sentence or paraphrase.
Parenthetical: using parentheses to enclose documentation information.
Research Process: steps for accessing, using and evaluating information.
Thesis statement: one sentence that states the limited subject and focus or direction of the paper.
World Wide Web (WWW): the part of the Internet that consists of pages (documents) linked to each other around the world. These pages have pictures, sounds, and more.