Attention Parents & Guardians of the VHS Classes of 2021 & 2022 –
Click here for the necessary paperwork for this year’s prom – read it carefully. In order to purchase tickets, you must have the necessary forms completed along with your payment. Copies of packets can also be found on the table next to the mall as well (they will be there by the end of today).
Here are the highlights:
Date & Location of Prom
Monday, June 14, 2021
Forest Lodge in Warren, NJ
Prom Ticket Cost
$100 per ticket
When/where can I purchase tickets?
Monday, May 10 – Friday, May 14
7:15 – 7:45 – at the table in front of the cafeteria (outside of school)
11:55 – 12:30 – at the table in front of the cafeteria (outside of school)
8:00am – 11:55am – See Mr. McGeehan in the cafeteria or report to the security desk and ask them to contact Mr. McGeehan (I can meet virtual students at the door)
What do I need to purchase tickets?
1. $100 per ticket (cash or check made out to Voorhees Student Activities)
2. Any/All fines have been paid to Mrs. Viscel in the Athletics Office.
– If you are unsure as to whether you owe a fine or not, please see Mrs. Viscel in the Athletics Office or Mr. McGeehan in the cafeteria
– Parents/Guardians can view fines in Aspen. Click on the family tab up top. Click on the transactions tab (left hand side). Fines are listed under fees.
3. Completed Permission form for Voorhees Student – page 3 in the packet
4. Completed Random Alcohol & Drug Consent form – page 4 in the packet
5. Completed Out of School Guest form – page 5 (only if taking a non-VHS guest)
– will not be accepted without a signature from the guest’s school administrator and your parent/guardian
– VHS administration can sign off for VHS alumni
* Money and all paperwork must be handed in together in order to purchase tickets.*
If you have any questions, please see or reach out to Mrs. Hance (, Mrs. Smith (, or Mr. McGeehan (