July 6, 2021
Dear Voorhees Parents/Guardians:
Please read the follow-up notes below from the Voorhees High School Health Office regarding annual health forms and physicals. If you have any questions, please contact the health office at 908-638-2148.
Maren Smagala
District Communications Coordinator
North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District
Voorhees High School Health Office
2021-2022 School Year Info
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We wanted to make you aware of what paperwork is required in the health office for your student coming into Voorhees High School for the 2021-2022 school year! This applies to ALL students, not just athletes. Make note that Aspen will be opening on July 1st.
- Parents must log into their Aspen account and complete the “Over the Counter Medication Form”. Without permission, your child will be unable to receive these medications at school. Be sure to click “finish” to submit the form.
- Parents must log into their Aspen account and complete the “Emergency Information Form”. Please be sure that all contact information is up to date and correct. Also, be sure to indicate any special medical needs (ex: asthma, EpiPen, history of seizures, diabetes, cardiac history) and/or allergies. This information is very important! Be sure to click “finish” to submit the form.
- Special Medication Forms: Only required if this applies to your child.
If your child requires Epinephrine, an inhaler, prescription medication, diabetic medication, has a history of seizures, etc., the appropriate form must be completed by a parent AND the student’s doctor collectively and submitted to the health office prior to the start of school. The forms can be found and downloaded on the health office website. We prefer that these forms are submitted in their original state.
*** Note that these forms are required for your student to participate in school activities/trips! ***
- If your child has been vaccinated for Covid-19, please consider sending in a copy of the vaccination record so that we may add it to your child’s immunization file. The vaccine is not a requirement, but it is a great way to keep your student’s records updated and all in one place should you need a copy for college.
In addition to the forms listed above, ALL freshmen must have a valid physical dated within 365 days of the start of school (August 26, 2021). You have until September 24th to submit a physical with a copy of your immunizations to the health office. After that date, according to NJ state law, your freshman may be excluded from school until the physical is received. You may use the “Physical Form” located on our health office website for your freshman physical. Please complete all pages and be sure a copy of immunizations is included.
All athletes must be registered for their sport in Aspen by a parent/ guardian. Aspen will be opening July 1st. All athletes (including marching band participants) MUST submit the NJ “Sports Physical Forms” to the health office by July 30, 2021. The physical must be dated within 365 days of the start of their sport. These forms can be found and downloaded on the health office website. Please be sure that you and your doctor complete the ENTIRE physical or it will be returned to you for completion (i.e. vision, cardiac module etc.) and may delay your athlete from starting the first day. If your child sees an eye doctor, please submit a copy of your students’ latest vision with your physical.
In addition to the physical, a parent/guardian must log into their ASPEN account and complete the “Health History Update Questionnaire” online. This needs to be completed at the beginning of each sport season so we are aware of any recent changes in your student’s health history. Please only indicate NEW health information on this form.
Finally, a parent/ guardian must complete the “Consent for Participation Form” online in Aspen for each sport.
For a tutorial on how to register in Aspen, please go to this website: https://www.nhvweb.net/technology/aspen/aspen-athletics-sign-up-tutorial/
All FORMS and additional information may be found on our website:
Health Office: http://www.nhvweb.net/vhs/healthoffice/
Mailing Address for forms:
Voorhees High School Health Office
256 County Road 513
Glen Gardner, NJ 08826
Fax Number: 908-638-6512
Should you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 638-2148, or email our health office staff at Sbauer@nhvweb.net, Ptomczyk@nhvweb.net, eosullivan@nhvweb.net
The nurses are working with limited summer hours, so please be patient. Thank you for your cooperation and have a wonderful summer!!
Suzanne Bauer RN CSN, Pat Tomczyk RN CSN, and Eileen O’Sullivan