A Voorhees Education Foundation is in the process of being established by some parents of Voorhees students. Their efforts are greatly supported by the Voorhees High School administration.
If you would like to be involved with the new Education Foundation, please send an email to vhsedfoundation@nhvweb.net indicating your interest, and providing your name(s), contact number, and email address. Your information will be shared with those individuals establishing the foundation.
More and more communities are creating education foundations to provide financial help to their local schools, particularly in recent years with stricter limitations being placed on school budgets. Education foundations can raise money to provide schools with such things as equipment, supplies, capital projects, and scholarships for students. An education foundation is established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so that donations can be tax deductible. The foundation operates as its own entity and is separate from a school district. The Voorhees High School Education Foundation would raise money solely to benefit the students and staff of Voorhees High School.
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