The Media Center is CLOSED TODAY.
The Relay for Life Committee needs help planning our Relay event in May. Please see Castello in 221 if you want to help plan the festivities.
There is a Gaming Club Party TODAY from 3:30-7:30 pm in the back gym. $5 entry fee for non-club members and $3 entry fee for members. Pizza is included in the fee. Please reach out to Mr. Barbieri or Mr. Perkalis with any questions.
National Honor Society will be having a St. Patrick’s day hot cocoa sale on Monday. $2 for regular and $3 with marshmallows and whip.
Student Council is selling Shamrock Shakes after school Monday at 2:30 for $3
Math SAT & ACT Help meets every Monday after school in room 340 with Ms. Wieteszka
Peer Tutoring in Math and Science is being offered Mondays through Thursdays after school in room 334.
Seniors – Information was emailed and posted to the website about senior trips (dinner cruise 5/29, Dorney Park 5/30. Forms will be accepted NEXT WEEK March 17-21 in room 135 during lunches. Any forms turned in after that time are not guaranteed a seat on the bus and will be subject to a late fee.
Next SHIP meeting is 3/19/2025. We will meet L1, L2, and @ 2:30 in room 318. Students should come to one of the meetings
Art Club meets every Wednesday in Room 243
Images Art & Literary Club meets every Wednesday after school in the Media Center.
English SAT & ACT Help will be meeting every Thursday after school in room 225 with Mr. Crane.
Youth and Govt meets every Thursday in room 312 with Mr. Kirby & Ms. Leonelli.
Seniors, please check out the VHS local scholarships listed on the Counseling Department website. See the Counseling Office if you have questions about a scholarship posting.
Friday Morning Lights (Bible Club) meets every Friday in room 135 at 7am. All are welcome.