Bus Route #20 will be split moving forward. Please plan to take your alternate bus route home until further notice.
ESEA Senior students will not be going to the ESC Campus today
There is a Key Club holiday party from 2:30-3:10 in the New Cafe today
Mock Trial will be meeting from 2:30-4:00 TODAY
Math SAT & ACT Help meets every Monday after school in room 340 with Ms. Wieteszka
Images Art & Literary Club meets every Wednesday after school in the Media Center
English SAT & ACT Help will be meeting every Thursday after school in room 225 with Mr. Crane
Friday Morning Lights (Bible Club) meets every Friday in room 135 at 7am. All are welcome.
Seniors, Local Scholarships are now posted on the Counseling Department website. Please look under Scholarships and Awards at the Voorhees Local Scholarships. Check the list bi-weekly for new scholarship postings.