There will be a Key Club meeting today in the new cafe from 230-310
The Weight room will be open until 4:15 Today, Tuesday and Thursday.
A reminder to Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors that Picture Retake/Makeup Day is Tuesday, October 18 from 10am to 1pm in room 135. If you need order forms, they are available in the main office. If you are having a retake, you need to bring your original package with $5. Please check your email for details.
Seniors – please check your email for information regarding Senior Portrait Retakes and makeups. Normandy studios will be here October 31 – November 8. You’ll need to sign up for appointments. Again, all that information has been emailed to you as well as your parents/guardians.
Hispanic Heritage month has begun. The Spanish department would like to play music on the Mondays and Fridays of each week until October 15th. Each set/day has a theme.
Students who can identify the common bond with each set of songs, should email their Spanish teacher. The first student to email their teacher (Sr. Rojas, Sra. Calvache or Sra. Liscinski) and identify the common bond, will receive a prize. Again this will be on Mondays and Fridays
Today’s winners were Elizabeth Hamilton & Benjamin Tapia
The Environmental Sustainability and Engineering Academy is hosting a fall flower bulb fundraiser. The fundraiser runs through October 3. All bulbs are $13 each except “The Works” which is $52.Check your email for the order form. Contact Ms. Stillwell at with any questions.
The girls basketball team is starting to gather information for the upcoming winter season. If you are interested in trying out this year please email Coach Collins ( for the Google Classroom code.
This week is the Week of Respect which is an effort that aims to teach students how to respect others, our school, our community, and ourselves, as well as how to prevent harassment, intimidation, and bullying situations. In order to help foster an environment of respect, acceptance, and inclusion we want to focus on KINDNESS. We ask that you do RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS in school, at home, and in the community during the week of respect (and all the time!). These acts will help to improve the school community and improve relationships among your peers.