Homecoming Dance Paperwork has been sent to students, parents and posted on the VHS Website. Tickets will be on sale THIS WEEK in the mall area BEFORE SCHOOL ONLY. Tickets are $25. All forms must be completed in order to purchase tickets. Please be sure to pay any/all obligations you may owe as well.
Hispanic Heritage month has begun. The Spanish department would like to play music on the Mondays and Fridays of each week until October 15th. Each set/day has a theme.
Students who can identify the common bond with each set of songs, should email their Spanish teacher. The first student to email their teacher (Sr. Rojas, Sra. Calvache or Sra. Liscinski) and identify the common bond, will receive a prize. Again this will be on Mondays and Fridays
- This morning’s winner’s for the National Hispanic Heritage Music Competition were Benjamin Tapia, Katherine Phelan and Christian Ventura.
- The theme was World Cup songs.
Any freshman interested in playing girls lacrosse this spring should email Coach Miller to be added to the email chain and for information about Winter League.
“The Class of 2023 will be having a Spirit Fest meeting TODAY from 2;30 to 3:10 in the ceramics room. All members of the class of 23 interested in participating in Spirit Fest are welcome.”
First Spanish Club Meeting of the year is scheduled for TODAY after school in room 257. Anyone can join!
First French Club Meeting of the year is scheduled for TODAY afterschool in room 256. Anyone can join!
SAT English Club will start meeting on Mondays as of TODAY in room 225 with Mr. Crane. Send him an email if you’d like the classroom code.
A Reminder that SAT Math Club meets after school on Mondays in room 326.
Attention Freshmen – If you are interested in helping prepare for SpiritFest and getting involved in future fundraising and planning ideas for the Class of 2026, there will be a meeting after school Wednesday 9/21 in room 316. Reach out to Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Hance if you have questions.
History Honor Society will have an interest meeting next Wednesday, September 21st in room 311 after school. Juniors and Seniors are welcome to attend to get more information about the application process. Reach out to Mrs. Bischoff with any questions.
Attention gamers, the Gaming Club will be holding their first meeting Wednesday 9/21 from 2:30-3:00 in room 250. Please sign up in Aspen and bring your friends.”
Habitat for Humanity meeting on Wednesday, 9/21 at 2:30 in room 337. For those interested in volunteering and building projects, please join us.
Key Club is running an online clothing store with some pretty cool stuff for those looking for some Voorhees apparel. The link to the store is:https://www.destinationathlete.com/teams/store.aspx?team=2833&dept=2859 The store is open until September 21st at midnight and delivery will be on October 19th. The items will be distributed by our Key Club members.
Open Gym Basketball will begin this Thursday night 9/22 for any individuals signed up for intramurals. Open Gym will be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-7:30. Again, you must be signed up for Fall Intramurals to participate.
“The first Model United Nations meeting will take place after school in room 312 on Tuesday September 27th.”