Unified Club Meeting TODAY after school in the new cafe
Seniors – Class Trip (Dinner Cruise & Dorney Park) have been emailed to you and your parents/guardians. The dinner cruise is on 5/21; the Dorney trip on 5/28. The forms and payment are due TOMORROW. Hardcopies of the form are also on the table in the mall. Forms and payment can be turned into the labeled box on the island in the Main Office.
Key Club is selling AP Survival Kits to help students prepare for the upcoming exams! They are $15 and can be purchased by filling out the google form that was emailed. Each kit includes a beverage, snacks, and study materials. Cash should be brought to pick up TODAY (if you didn’t pick up yesterday) from 2:30-3:30 in the mall area. Please reach out to Sam Orr or Mrs. Smith, with questions!
Attention LifeSavers…
We will have a meeting on April 23 after school in room 213/214 to prepare for our upcoming blood drive on May 14. If you do not attend the meeting, you cannot participate on the day of the blood drive.
For this blood drive, we are going to ask that only students in grades 10, 11, and 12 attend this meeting.
Please reach out to Mrs. York/Mrs. Ludwig if you have any questions!
The ESEA FFA Chapter is hosting their annual honey sale from April 12-26. The honey is local from one of our students, and the proceeds support chapter activities. Please contact any ESEA student or Ms. Stillwell with questions and to order