“There will be a job fair at TD Bank Ballpark in Bridgewater on Saturday, March 24
from 9:00-12:00 for hospitality jobs from April through September. If you’re 16 years old
and interested in working at the Ballpark for the Patriots’ home games, some high school
games and other events, go to Guidance and check out the jobs board next to Mr. Hunt’s door. You can also pick up a job application and a detailed job description sheet in guidance!”
French Club will be holding March Madness of French Music competition. Anyone can participate by filling out the bracket found in room 256. For more information, contact Madame Vlasova.
VHS Unified is holding it’s Week of Respect Campaign everyday this week during lunch mods 1 and 2. Come down and check out the daily raffle, sign the respect banner, and support VHS Unified. See you there!
Yoga club will meet TODAY promptly at 225 in the Cove