Check your email to cast your vote for this year’s Homecoming King and Queen – check your email for the google form sent out just prior to 8am this morning. Voting closes at 2:30 tomorrow.
The Media Center will be closed all morning, during lunches and during Block 6 today due to
ASVAB testing.
There will be a Gaming Club meeting today in Room 250 from 2:30-3:10
Attention FBLA: the meeting for today is canceled….please come by and pick up your material today by 2:30
The Weight room will be open until 4:15 TODAY.
Voorhees High School Financial Aid Night will be TONIGHT at 7 PM in the auditorium. Students and parents are invited to learn about financial aid through a presentation with Michelle Pretopapa, the Senior Assistant Director of Financial Aid at Lafayette College. There will also be information shared about scholarships and local scholarships on the NHV Counseling Department website.
Attention Key Club Members. A reminder that the Fall Rally event at Six Flags is this Sunday for those who signed up. The bus will be at 7:00 and you should report at 6:45-6:50. Please check your emails for more information.
A reminder to Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors that Picture Retake/Makeup Day is Tuesday, October 18 from 10am to 1pm in room 135. If you need order forms, they are available in the main office. If you are having a retake, you need to bring your original package with $5. Please check your email for details.
Seniors – please check your email for information regarding Senior Portrait Retakes and makeups. Normandy studios will be here October 31 – November 8. You’ll need to sign up for appointments. Again, all that information has been emailed to you as well as your parents/guardians.
Hispanic Heritage month has begun. The Spanish department would like to play music on the Mondays and Fridays of each week until October 15th. Each set/day has a theme. Students who can identify the common bond with each set of songs, should email their Spanish teacher. The first student to email their teacher (Sr. Rojas, Sra. Calvache or Sra. Liscinski) and identify the common bond, will receive a prize. Again this will be on Mondays and Fridays
Express your love for art and Halloween in the annual NEHS literary pumpkin contest. This year, your pumpkin must portray a scene from a horror/thriller novel or movie. They can be painted or carved. The top three pumpkins will win a gift card. Please bring them on Wednesday and Thursday, October 26 and 27. Judging will be after school on the 27th and pick up will be the 28th. Winner will be announced on Halloween!
There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 19th for anyone interested in joining the girl’s fencing team. We will be meeting in room 142. All are welcome, if you have any questions please feel free to email Mr. Medeiros.
According to the CDC, bullying affects 20% of high school students and cyberbullying affects 16% of high school students. This week we are raising awareness of the impact that bullying has on mental health. Students who are bullied are more likely to develop problems like depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and self-destructive behavior. How can you help? Be an UPSTANDER, NOT a bystander! Students can help by reporting instances of bullying and cyberbullying. If you see something, say something to a trusted adult!