Students and staff can preorder sandwiches, salads, snacks & drinks through the square website. You will order, then pay for it through the website. The orders need to be placed by 9:30 am for the same day order. Check your email for the link or scan the QR code on the flyers on the tvs. The orders will be available for pick up in the New Cafe. All pickups will be put in a white to go bag with the student or staff’s name on it. All orders need to be picked up by the end of the lunch periods.
Key Club Members – Key Club is holding a Gertrude Hawk Chocolate sale. Please sign up to sell a box or 2 on Google Classroom or reach out to an Officer.
Auditions for the fall musical The Addams Family will continue TOMORROW from 3:10 to 6pm in the Voorhees Theatre. Students should have also attended Friday in order to audition for a role in the show. A callback audition will be held Thursday September 12 from 3:10 to 6pm. Students looking for more information should reach out to Mrs. Reynolds or Miss Frey. The Addams Family will be presented November 14-17.
Environmental Club will meet TOMORROW in room 317. All are welcome to join. Contact Mrs. Kerr with questions.
The first PRIDE Club meeting will be TOMORROW during L1 and L2. Contact Mrs. Polgar or Mrs. Hance with any questions.
Art Club will be meeting TOMORROW after school in room 243 to start their first project.
Freshman Class Meeting TOMORROW after school in Room 137. Contact Mrs. Emmert or Mrs. Reynolds with questions.
Attention all gamers: The Gaming Club will have their first meeting of the year TOMORROW from 2:30-3:00 in room 323. If you have any interest, come check it out! Contact Mr. Perkalis or Mr. Barbieri with questions.
Diversity Club will hold its first meeting TOMORROW after school in room 321. Any questions, please see Ms. Leonelli.
Chess Club is having their first meeting TOMORROW after school in the media center. Please reach out to Mr. Kelly with any questions.
Unified Theater Practice is this Thursday after school from 2:30-3:30 in Room 137. Email Mrs. Emmert if you are unable to attend.
The Class of 2026 is holding a Spirit Fest meeting this Thursday at 2:35 in room 337. 2026’s Please come and support the Junior class!
First Model UN meeting will be after school on Thursday, September 12 in room 312. Please see Mr. Kirby if you have any questions or concerns.
Attention VETERAN LifeSavers – we will have a brief meeting after school on Thursday, September 12th in room 213/214 to plan for the upcoming blood drive. If you do not attend the meeting, you will be ineligible to work at the drive. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. York or Mrs. Ludwig.
FCCLA is hosting a free make your own cupcakes event after school in room 210 on Wednesday 9/18. See Mrs. Collins for more information.
First Spanish Club meeting of the year next Wednesday, September 18th afterschool in room 257. See Sr. Rojas with any questions.
For anyone interested in trying out for the boys basketball team this winter, please email Coach Schafer. You will then be added to the google classroom page where you can receive updates and information regarding open gyms, meetings and tryout dates.
SAT and ACT Math help will be held in room 340 on Mondays after school with Ms. Wieteszka.