Underclass Photo Day is TODAY. All 9th, 10th, 11th graders and STAFF should have a photo taken for the yearbook and your student ID. You will need to bring your order form and payment on picture day if you want to order photos. Please check the schedule that was emailed and posted in classrooms. If you need to come at a different time, please just ask your teacher.
Reminder to All Students – Late buses (3:15) will run on Mondays and Wednesdays this year. They will begin TOMORROW – Wednesday – September 7. Be sure to check in Aspen for your late bus route as it is not the same as your normal bus route. A reminder that if you stay after school Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, you are responsible for transportation home.
Fall Intramurals registration is now open in Aspen. If you are interested in participating, please check your email for details on how to register. Fall Intramurals will begin on Wednesday September 7.
National Honor Society will be meeting TOMORROW (Wednesday 9/7) after school in room 337. This is ONLY for all members inducted last year.
Video Club will hold its first interest meeting TOMORROW – Wednesday, 9/7, from 2:30-3:10 in room 245, Video club is open to everyone. If you’re interested in filmmaking then go check it out!
Attention LifeSavers – We will have our first meeting of the year Thursday, September 8 after school in room 247. We will begin planning for the upcoming blood drive. Please make every effort to attend. If you cannot make it, reach out to Mrs. York or Ms. Hintz!
The girls tennis team will be holding a car wash from 8:00-12:00 on Saturday (September 10).
SAT / ACT Math Prep will begin on Monday 9/12 in Room 326 after school. The Google Classroom code is 6xayv55 for those that would like to join and get resources.
The Sci-Fi Fantasy club will have a general interest meeting Monday, September 12 from 2:30 to 3:10 in the back of the media center. Please stop by if you are interested in Dungeons and dragon, magic, or tabletop games. If you can’t make the meeting please email Mr. Medeiros to be added to the google classroom
Any freshmen interested in trying out for baseball in the spring please email Coach Kent at ckent@nhvweb.net so he can add you to the email chain.
Attention any freshmen interested in playing lacrosse this spring; please email Coach Perkalis with your parents email addresses to be added to his communication chain with offseason information.