History Honor Society -meeting during L2 TODAY with Mrs. Bischoff – check for a smart pass. You must attend lab if you have it.
Students for change is meeting TODAY – L1/L2 in room 221. You must attend lab.
The weight room will be open until 4:15 TODAY.
French club is having a bake sale after school TODAY in the mall area
There is a crew meeting for all crew members that do not have jobs assigned on TODAY at 2:30. Crew members that have jobs assigned can also attend.
Next Spanish Club Meeting: TODAY after school in room 257.
National Honor Society will have a meeting TOMORROW after school in Mrs Hance’s room (337) – please try and attend.
There will be a gaming club meeting TOMORROW after school from 2:30-3:00 in room 250. We will be planning our first party so please try to attend!
Seniors – Normandy Studios will be here through November 8 for Senior Portrait Retakes and Makeups in Room 135. You should have signed up for an appointment. Please make sure you report at the appropriate times for that appointment.
The field hockey team is hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, November 5th in the Main Cafeteria. Tickets are $10. Please find one of the field hockey players, Coach Hughes or Coach Emmert if you are interested or have any questions. Thank you!
A reminder to those of you with parking spots – if you are interested in painting parking spots, please email your designs to Mr. McGeehan, Ms. Polgar and Mrs. Exley. Your designs will be approved before Sunday. On Sunday, please arrive to the VHS parking lot at 8:00 to paint your parking spots. Bring $25 on Sunday, check or cash.
There will be a boys AND GIRLS wrestling interest meeting on Monday, November 7 at 2:30 in room 160. Please contact Coach Kurtz, Coach Sicola or Coach Petro if you cannot attend.