VHS Physical Education Medical Leave Assignment
*Assignments not completed on that day will have a reduction in grade*
Option I: Please visit: http://search.espn.com/sports-science/videos/6
**You can also Google ESPN Sport Science
You are welcome to choose any athlete in any sports category. Sports include a wide range of activities: Basketball, Football, Baseball, Swimming, Archery, Gymnastics, Mixed Martial Arts, Lacrosse, and Track and field.
Assignment: You are to watch the short video and come up with 5 questions (T/F, Multiple Choice, Open Ended) or a 3-5 sentence summary of the video Next you are to e-mail the link to the video you watched and your questions (with the answers) or summary to your Physical Education Teacher. Please indicate in your subject header which sport science video you have watched.
**Questions should be developed by YOU, not cut and pasted from the article.
Option II: Physical Activity Current Event Article.
(Please ask the resource teacher to help log you in if you need help)
Step 1: You are to choose any article dealing with physical activity, physical education, sport specific skills, or fitness. The article must be from within the last year and should not be about the results of games or competitions. (the resource teacher can help you find an appropriate topic if you need help)
Step 2: You are to come up with 5 questions (T/F, Multiple Choice, Open Ended) or a 3-5 sentence summary on the article you read. Next you are to e-mail the link to the article and your questions (with the answers) or summary to your Physical Education Teacher.
**Questions should be developed by YOU, not cut and pasted from the article.
Step 3: You are to e-mail a link to your article and your questions/answers and to your Physical Education Teacher on the day it is due. DO NOT SEND 2 EMAILS.