PE 9

Voorhees High School

Physical Education Requirements

Mr. Makoski Fall 2016



Students are only allowed five class absences per marking period. Any missed class after five must be made up. Students who do not meet this requirement will receive a drop in letter grade for each missed class after five, which can be made up after school for full credit.

Explanation of Missed Classes

  1. Absences from school-  Students absent from school are considered missing class

time. The physical education grading policy requires that all classes in excess of five

must be made up. (This is separate from the school attendance policy)

  1.  Field Trips. Guidance appointments and School activities Any missed classes due to

a field trip, guidance appointment, or other school activity will be considered a

missed class and must be made up if over five classes

*****Class Cuts

A student who chooses to cut class will have a  10 point deduction from their

class participation grade. Students may do 2 makeups after school to make up

80% of that deduction.


  1.   Nurse’s Excuses- If you cannot participate in physical education because of illness or injury without a doctors excuse you will excused for that day but you will be required to make up ANY classes that you miss after school. (can be made up for full credit.)

2 . Medical Excuse (due to illness or injury) Classes missed do not have to be made up upon presentation of a written note from a physician. The note will be kept on file by the school nurse. This note should include the date of excuse and the date of return.  Students must present a medical note to return. Students on a medical are required to attend the Physical Education resource center (located outside the main gym) DAILY to make up the physical classes missed with written work due to a medical excuse. (WIth permission from the instructor, students may email daily assignments rather than attend the Physical Education resource center. Students must complete the daily work to receive a grade and credit for the class, if you do not complete this required work it will result in a failing grade for physical education.  (You must see Mr. Makoski for specific details in the beginning of your medical leave).


An unprepared is considered not properly dressed to meet department standards for participation. The first unprepared is a loss of 5 points off of the PE Dept. Standards grade.  Each subsequent unprepared is a loss of 10 points.

**unprepared classes can be made up for 80%

Lates After the third late students will be referred to the office.


  1. Students must wear proper PE attire‑ sneakers only, socks, athletic shorts or sweat pants, and t‑shirt or sweatshirt. (Dress to the weather)
  2. NO cut off shorts, denim or corduroy shorts, boxer shorts, belted shorts, belts, button down shirts, t‑shirts with offensive language or slogans, and t‑shirts with alcohol, tobacco, drug, or sex related wording and pictures.
  3. NO jewelry of any kind.
  4. NO hats or sunglasses


  1. You may use a locker during class time, but you may not leave your clothes in a locker outside of class time. Bring a lock to class with you and lock up your things. You must remove your lock after class is over.  All locks not removed will be cut off at the end of the day.
  2. Do not assume your things will not be stolen; every year something is stolen out of the locker rooms.  PLAN AHEAD.


  1. The VHS PE Dept. Standards part of your grade will be based on:
  2.   attendance
  3.   dress
  4.   participation‑ participation grade will be based on the following criteria: safety, following directions, time on task, effort, cooperation, sportsmanship, and responsibility.
  5.  assessment of skill
  6. Dept. Standards grading is on a point system‑ each marking period is worth 100 points
  7.   If you are unprepared for class‑ minus 5 points first infraction, 10 points subsequent  infractions  (can be made up for 80%).
  8.  Each class missed after five – minus 5 points first infraction, 10 points all

subsequent infractions (can be made up for full credit).

9.  Late to class or squad‑ minus 1 point (cannot be made up).

10.  “Cutting” class‑ minus 10 points (must make up 2 classes to earn back 80% of the 10

points lost).

11.   Leaving class before the dismissal bell‑ minus 5 points (cannot be made up).

12. Foul language will not be tolerated‑ this goes under the discipline category.

VII.   Written Assessments

  1.  You will be required to take a written and possibly a  practical final that will be combined for 20% of your final grade. Specific information will be given about this toward the end of the semester

VIII. PE Make ups

  1. Make ups may be performed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
  2. Makeup time is from 2:35 to 3:10
  3. Students must be ready to begin the makeup at 2:35
  4. No student will be admitted to the make up once it has begun.

*Unprepared classes can be made up for 80%

*Missed classes after 5 can be made up for full credit

*Nurses excuse classes can be made up for full credit.


Grading Criteria

Project Adventure Grading Criteria Marking Period 4

(the information below is a basic overview and is subject to change)

To determine your grade at the end of the semester divide the number of points earned by the total points.

VHS  Physical Education Requirements– 100 Points

This is based on dress, attendance, and general participation during class. These requirements can be found on the first part of this syllabus.

Low Elements participation-75 Points

This does not mean that you have to actually complete the low elements (this deals with challenge by choice which we will discuss during the first week) but you do have to be involved and help spot the people who are doing the elements.

High Elements Participation-150 points

            Like the low elements this also does not mean that you have to climb to do well in this area. For every person who climbs on the challenge course, there is a team of seven people who are responsible for their safety and that are there to support them. You can receive full credit for this and not climb once.

Belay Team Safety Test– 50 Points

The belay team is the support team for the person climbing a high element on our challenge course.  Before we begin actually climbing, you will take a practical test on the responsibilities of each person on the ground (a practical test means you will be actually performing the task you need to perform, it is not a pen and paper type of test)

Discussion Questions–  75 Points

Discussion questions will be completed outside of class and will be electronically submitted on Moodle. When completing the discussion questions, the following criteria will apply:

  1.       Answers should be clear and concise with minimal grammatical errors
  2.       Answers should be between 50 and 100 words.
  3.       Answers should show a clear understanding of the topic.

Information regarding the discussion questions will be explained later in the class.

Marine Fitness Testing (Post-test)- 10 points

  1.  You will receive a grade for completing the marine fitness test



Marking Period 3 Traditional Activity Grading Criteria

(The information below is a basic overview and is subject to change)

To determine your grade at the end of the marking period divide the number of points you earned by the total points.

Physical education Dress and Participation Requirements- 100 points

This is based on dress, attendance, and behavior during class. These requirements can be found of the first part of this syllabus.

Marine Fitness Testing (post-test)- 10 points

.1.   You will receive 5 points for reaching your required fitness goal (this will be pushups for this year and  further information will be provided.

  1.       You will receive 5 points for completing the remaining  marine fitness tests

Fitness Assessment- 10 pts.

After a practicing the skills necessary to be successful in the weight room, you will be graded on your improvement of those skills, or your knowledge of those skills.

Tumbling Assessment- 10 points

After a practicing the skills necessary to be successful at tumbling, you will be required to complete a tumbling skill assessment.

Volleyball Assessment- 10 points

After a practicing the skills necessary to be successful at volleyball, you will be graded on your improvement of those skills, or your knowledge of those skills.