Welcome to the Social Studies Department
The primary objective of the social studies program is to prepare thoughtful, active citizens who can function productively in a rapidly changing and increasingly interdependent world. The social studies program provides a variety of affective and cognitive experiences that contribute to the recognition of the dignity of each human being. Through an integrated study of social studies disciplines, students will acquire necessary knowledge, skills and awareness as they become lifelong learners.
The social studies program is founded upon the belief in the importance of developing responsible citizens prepared to make informed decisions consistent with democratic values. The search for and the study of alternative solutions to important questions are integral parts of this curriculum.
In this process, research shows that students learn through a variety of active and relevant learning experiences. With these goals in mind student assessment should be ongoing, diagnostic and aligned with instruction. A standards-based social studies curriculum builds knowledge of specific discipline content, thinking skills, commitment to democratic values and citizen participation, all essential to maintaining a democratic way of life.