North Hunterdon High School Athletics Handbook For Students and Parents
Table of Contents
NCAA Eligibility. Please review the NCAA Eligibility website. The NHVRHSD is not responsible for placement in a College, University or similar. Every child(s) academic plan differs. Athletes must register their Junior year. Families must review the NCAA Eligibility information and register on their own and help can be given by their guidance counselor.
- NorthHunterdon-HS–NHHS-College-Athletic-Commitment-Day-National-Letter-of-Intent
- Keys to Success
- Parking Lot Safety Reminder
- Top 10 Reasons to be a Designated Good Sport
- North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Student Athlete Disciplinary Code
- Tips for Being a Supportive Parent
- A Message to Our Fans
North Hunterdon High School Athletic Philosophy & Expectations
Dear Parent/Guardian and Student Athlete,
We are excited to have you become a part of the NorthHunterdonHigh School’s Athletic Program. We sincerely wish that your experience in our athletic program is satisfying and rewarding. We feel that participation in athletics is an important part of the educational process as athletic participation provides the opportunity for student athletes to develop knowledge, skill and attitudes so that they may become productive, contributing citizens of our community and society.
NorthHunterdonHigh School serves as a community center due to sheer number of our sending districts and the far-flung nature of the geography of this region. Participation in sports and other activities is an important element in helping our students get to know each other and in teaching them the value of being part of the larger community. Athletics is an integral part of our students’ education at NorthHunterdonHigh School, whether they are spectators or participants. Participation in athletics is an extension of the school day, during which the learning process still continues. Students learn to respect competence, commitment, and sportsmanship. They learn the power of sharing their unique talents and the intensity the working together for a common goal. We encourage our students to become involved in as many programs as possible, to do their absolute best, and to support their coaches’ and their teams’ efforts to excel.
High school athletics are highly competitive, and teams in most sports vie for conference, county, and state titles. As educators, we recognize that few students will make their livelihoods as athletes, but all will need to know the values of hard work and joint effort toward a common goal. We have an excellent staff of coaches who take an interest, not only in the performance of our student/athletes’ on the field, but in our students’ academic and social performance as well.
North Hunterdon High Schools Membership Affiliation:
- New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association – Group IV North II Jersey
- Skyland Conference – Delaware Division
- Hunterdon/Warren/Sussex County Athletic Association
The Athletic Department believes being a member of an interscholastic competitive athletic team, regardless of time spent in actual competition, provides an opportunity for our student-athletes to learn many valuable lessons in commitment, citizenship, sportsmanship and life. Student-athletes learn how to work together to meet team goals, understand responsibility and commitment to their team and school. They also gain insight into placing team above self, learning to accept constructive criticism, respect for others, winning and losing with dignity, self-control and being responsible for their actions.
We sincerely hope this information helps you to understand the philosophy, expectations, structure and procedures of the North Hunterdon High School Interscholastic competitive sports program. Please take a few minutes to discuss this letter with your family. In doing so, all of our student-athletes, their parents and our coaches will have a more successful experience. Please fell free to contact the Athletic Director if you have any questions regarding this philosophy.
Athletics at North Hunterdon High School
Athletics is a very integral part of your education at North Hunterdon High School either as a spectator or participant. Athletics is an extension of the school day where the learning process still continues.
We encourage our students to become involved in as many programs as possible. North Hunterdon High School serves as a community center due to the geographics of our sending Districts.
We have an excellent staff of coaches who take an interest not only in the student athlete’s performance on the field, but his or her academic and social performance as well.
Communication is so very important in conducting a successful program. Please address the coaching staff with your concerns or problems. They are but a phone call or e-mail away. Utilize their service and expertise.
Membership Affiliation
– New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association – Group III Central Jersey
– Skyland Conference – Delaware Division
– Hunterdon/Warren County Athletic Association
Nickname: “LIONS”
North Hunterdon High School will provide transportation for athletes on away meets. During away contests parents should plan to provide transportation for their children. Personal Transportation must be provided to practices on Saturdays and when school is not in session. We expect students to ride to and from athletic contests on our school buses. Exceptions must be approved in advance by the Administration.
Guidelines for Athletes
Student athletes are expected to be in regular school attendance. Athletes must be in school prior to 11:35 am to be eligible to practice or participate in a contest on that day. The only exception will come from the Principal, Assistant Principal, or the Director of Athletics.
Conduct unbecoming an athlete and the High School will result in a conference with the head coach and Director of Athletics. This includes vulgar language, obscene gestures and disrespectful behavior toward coaches, officials, or other athletes. Such conduct could lead to suspension and possible expulsion.
Possession or use of drugs (including alcohol) will result in immediate suspension and possible expulsion from the team.
Possession or use of Tobacco will result in a conference with coach and possible suspension and/or expulsion from the team.
Vandalizing or stealing will require restitution and may result in expulsion from all teams. This includes material from our school as well as any other high school.
Bus misbehavior will result in a conference with the Director of Athletics and coach and may result in suspension and or expulsion from the team.
All athletes will automatically miss all practices and contests occurring during the time that an athlete is serving an in-school or out-of-school suspension.
At the beginning of each sport season, the coach will advise his/her athletes of what constitutes an unexcused absence.
The coaching staff per sport shall decide each athlete’s or Student statistician (manager) participation for individual level awards, numerals, certificates or letters requirements for their program. The decision is made based on many factors such as contribution, time, and dedication, etc.
Coaches at times will contact student athletes on daily updates, schedule changes, miscellaneous items, etc that may affect the athlete. Please make sure that your son or daughter follows all school rules pertaining to electronic devices.
NJSIAA Eligibility Rules for Participation
Academic Eligibility Requirements:
Extra curricular student activities exist to provide educational experiences not otherwise provided for in academic courses. Students are expected to maintain good academic standing to be eligible to participate in extra curricular programs.
A student is ineligible to compete if he/she is failing two or more courses at the midpoint of a marking period. This student will become eligible when he/she is no longer failing two or more courses in that marking period.
A student is ineligible to compete if he/she receives two or more failing marking period grades. This student will become eligible if he/she is no longer failing two or more courses at the midpoint of the following marking period.
The Superintendent shall prepare procedures to implement a co-curricular program and shall assess the needs and interests of the pupils of this district and provide for the continuing evaluation of the co-curricular program.
We are a member of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA), Skyland Conference, and Hunterdon/Warren County Athletic Association. NJSIAA requirements state: An athlete becomes ineligible for high school athletics if he/she attains the age of nineteen prior to September 1. However, any athlete attaining the age 19 on or after September 1 shall be eligible for the ensuing year.
Guidelines for Athletes
• Student athletes are expected to be in regular school attendance. Athletes must be in school prior to 11:35am to be eligible for practice or to participate in a contest that day. The only exception will come from the Principal, Assistant Principal, or the Director of Athletics.
NJSIAA Eligibility Rules for Participation
NJSIAA requirements state: An athlete becomes ineligible for high school athletics if he/she attains the age of 19 prior to September 1.
However, any athlete attaining the age 19 on or after September 1 shall be eligible for the ensuing year.
A student becomes ineligible for high school athletics when the class in which he/she was originally enrolled has graduated.
Academic Eligibility Guidelines for Athletes:
Fall and Winter Seasons: For freshmen there are no credit requirements for the fall or winter seasons. Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 are academically eligible for athletic participation during the fall and winter seasons if they have passed at least 30.00 credits during the immediate preceding academic year.
Spring Season: To be academically eligible for the spring season, all students must be passing at least 15.0 credits at the conclusion of the first semester. If a student is academically eligible at the start of a sports season, he/she remains academically eligible for that entire sports season regardless of his/her grades at the end of a marking period.
Below is a guide on how to figure out credit requirements for the spring season.
- A Letter Grade of a D or better in two out of the three semester grading criteria indicates that the student has passed.
For example: Full Year Course (half of the course’s total credit is given for the first semester if the student is passing)
MP1 Grade |
MP2 Grade |
Eligible |
Reason |
A, B, C, D+ |
F |
yes |
F |
D |
No |
Minimum D+ Needed |
D |
F |
No |
Minimum D+ Needed |
For example: Semester Course (full course credit is given for a semester course if the student passed)
MP1 Grade |
MP2 Grade |
Final |
Eligible |
Reason |
A |
F |
F |
No |
Only one of three |
F |
D |
D |
Yes |
Two of three |
D |
F |
D |
Yes |
Two of three |
Note: If an asterisk (*) appears next to the letter grade in the final mark column of the report card then the student receives zero credits for that class. The asterisk (*) denotes loss of credit due to attendance issues:
For example: Full\Semester Course
MP1 Grade |
MP2 Grade |
School Exam |
Final Mark |
Eligible |
Reason |
B+ |
A- |
B+ |
B+ * |
No |
Loss of Credit |
Parents and students are responsible for checking on the credit requirements for each athletic season.
TRANSFER RULE – the following NJSIAA RULE applies to all students:
1. A student who transfers from one secondary school to another because of a bona-fide change of residence by his/her parent/guardian, or through assignment by the Board of Education, becomes eligible to represent his/her new school immediately upon entrance (unless recruitment or transfer for athletic advantage is proven), provided all other eligibility regulations are satisfied.
DEFINITION: A bona fide change of residence takes place when the parent/guardian moves with the student from one public high school district to another public high school district.
Transfers with a bona fide change of address:
A student who transfers from one secondary school to another because of a bona fide change of residence by his/her parents or guardians, or through assignment by the Board of Education, becomes eligible to represent his/her new school immediately upon entrance unless the transfer was because of athletic recruitment or was a transfer for athletic advantage and provided all other eligibility regulations are satisfied. A student who becomes emancipated shall be deemed not to have made a bona fide change of residence. In order for a student to be immediately eligible, both the former and present school must complete a transfer form affirmatively stating that the transfer is a bona fide change of residence and that there was no athletic recruitment or a transfer for athletic advantage. The parent or guardian will be required to complete an affidavit with proof of present residence to the school. The form will be filed with the NJSIAA and the affidavit maintained by the present school for inspection by the NJSIAA, if necessary. Definition: A bona fide change of residence takes place when the parent/guardian moves with the student from one public high school district to another public high school district. The term “guardian” refers to that person who has control over the person and property of a child as established by the order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Please make an appointment with the Guidance Department.
Transfers without a bona fide change of address:
A student in grades 10, 11 or 12 transferring from one secondary school to another, without a bona fide change of residence by
that student’s parent or guardian, shall be ineligible to participate for a period of 30 calendar days in any sport in which the student has previously participated in on any high school level. The 30 day ineligible period will begin when the student enrolls and attends classes at the new school. A student in grade 9 transferring from one secondary school to another without a bona fide change of residence by that student’s parents or guardian, shall be ineligible to participate for a period of 30 calendar days which will commence with the first interscholastic game played by the involved school, if that student had participated in that particular sport at the varsity level. A grade nine student who has not participated in a sport at his/her previous school shall be eligible to participate immediately in any sport at the new school. To prevent possible recruitment or transfer for athletic advantage, a Transfer Form must be executed by the two involved schools and filed with the NJSIAA before any interscholastic participation. Please make an appointment with the Guidance Department.
Sports at NHHS by Season
During the current scholastic year, we will compete in the following interscholastic Sports:
Fall Season – Football, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Soccer, Boys’ Cross Country, Girls’ Cross Country, Cheerleading*, Field Hockey, Girls’ Tennis, Gymnastics and Volleyball.
Winter Season – Boys’ Basketball, Girls’ Basketball, Boys’ Fencing, Girls’ Fencing, Boys’ Indoor Track, Girls’ Indoor Track, Cheerleading*, Wrestling*, Girls’ Swimming, Boys’ Swimming.
Spring Season – Baseball, Softball, Boys’ Lacrosse, Girls’ Lacrosse, Golf*, Boys’ Tennis, Boys’ Track, Girls’ Track,
* Coed
Student Athlete Responsibilities
We expect our student athletes to be a credit to their parents, coaches, school, and community. To this end it is imperative tat each athlete:
1. Display high standards of social behavior.
2. Display good sportsmanship at all times.
3. Display proper respect to teachers, coaches, officials, opponents.
4. Display Cooperation.
5. Dress appropriately when attending an athletic contest, home or away. All athletes should be neat, clean and socially presentable at all times.
6. Display use of socially acceptable language, Profanity, vulgar talk and obscene gestures will not be tolerated.
Completing Accident Report Forms
An Accident Report Form must be completed at the time of an accident, no matter how minor. Parents, teachers, and coaches must insist on students doing this., Forms may be obtained from your coach, trainer, or in the Nurse’s Office. After the form has been complete, it must be signed by the trainer, coach, or individual supervising the area or activity in which the accident occurred, and must be filed with the trainer or in the Nurse’s Office immediately. Insurance forms will be sent to parents after accident report forms are completed. Parents are responsible for getting these forms completed by their physician.
- Each candidate for a place on a school athletic squad or team shall be given a medical examination by the medical inspector or designated team doctor within 365 days prior to the first practice session with examinations being mad available thought the school year consistent with the district’s athletic schedule. In lieu thereof, the medical inspector may accept the report of such an examination by a physician licensed to practice medicine.
- To participate on an athletic squad or team, each candidate whose medical examination was completed more than 60 days prior to the first practice session shall provide a health history update of medical problems experienced since the last medical examination, which shall be complete by the parent of legal guardian.
- ATHLETIC AWARDS – The coaching staff per sport shall decide each athlete’s or Student statistician (manager) participation for individual level awards, numerals, certificates or letters requirements for their program. The coaches will review the criteria to their athletes. The decision is made based on many factors such as contribution, time, and dedication, etc. North Hunterdon follows the typical standards that Skyland Conference schools follow.
- A signed Parent Permission Form/Health History Update Form must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian prior to each sports season.
- Student athletes are expected to travel to and from all away athletic contest on the team bus.
- “Travel Release Forms” are to be used for specific purposes like a doctor’s appointment, family function, and the like. They are not to be used because the parent is going to the away game and wants to take the athlete home with them. The athlete should first speak to the coach and if a release is warranted he/she should bring a completed form to the athletic department for Mr. Deutsch’s review. In addition, the form should be here at least one day prior to the contest. The Athletic Department wants every student-athlete to be part of the full experience with their programs and going to games to and from competitions are moral and leadership building.
- All athletic equipment issued to your son or daughter is the property of the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District Board of Education. Upon completion of aseason or termination of participation, allissued equipment must be returned to the trainer/equipment manager or coach. Failure to comply with this responsibility may result in the school not releasing the student’s report card and the student being billed for the replacement value of the equipment and the student not being issued any additional school property.
- We have an excellent trainers. Please use their expertise and/or guidance.
- The Athletic Department should be made aware of any problems, concerns, etc., that may affect the performance of your son or daughter.
- We are only going to utilize our Singley Field Scoreboard for varsity events with some varsity events only using it a couple of times. Many scores and time will be kept on the field. There is no need to have sub varsity games using the scoreboard as these levels are developmental.
- Season tickets for athletic contests are available in the athletic office. The cost for the Fall Season is $25.00 for a family pass (parents, children under school age) – $10.00 for an individual adult and $6.00 for a student pass. The winter Season prices are $30.00 (family), $15.00 (individual), $10.00 (student). These will be good for all home played athletic contests except county, conference and state playoff games.
Student Insurance
The Board of Education has purchased insurance coverage to protect all students against accidental injury.
Coverage is provided for virtually all school sponsored and supervised activities including:
- Attending regular school sessions, including summer school.
- Traveling directly and uninterruptedly to and from home and school for regular sessions.
- Participating in school sponsored and supervised activities.
- Traveling under the sponsorship and supervision of school officials to and from school activities.
- Although this coverage is very broad, there are restrictions and exclusions in this policy. In many situations, medical bills may not be covered in full. (Generally, only the customary and reasonable fees are paid.)
Please have your child report any injuries immediately to the school nurse and/or trainer. Accident reports will be provided by the school, but it will be the parents’ responsibility to collect all medical bills and submit them to the Insurance Company. Questions regarding the policy coverage or about specific claims should be directed to Bollinger Insurance Co. 866-267-0092.
Note: This policy is an excess policy. Thus parents must use their own insurance first. this policy will usually cover those bills no covered by your own insurance up to the limit of the policy. If you do not have insurance for medical expenses, this policy will go into effect immediately. the insurance company will not be liable for medical expenses incurred beyond fifty-two (52) weeks immediately following the date of the accident.
Keys to Success
- Take Pride In What You Do: Finish each job you start and make sure you’ve done your best.
- Take Setbacks In Stride: learn from your mistakes and keep looking toward the future.
- Set New Goals: You’ll never know what you can do until you try.
- Work Hard: Talent alone in not enough. Only by hard work can you reach your goal.
- Commitment: Make a total commitment to achieve your goals.
- Be Consistent: Set a regular schedule and stay with it.
- Always Give 110%: Do more than is expected of you.
- Be Prepared: To get ahead, plan ahead.
- Enthusiasm: Be positive. enjoy what you do and do it as wall as you can.
- Be Innovative: The ability to find a new method or get better results sets people apart.
- Be Confident: To succeed, you must know you can do it.
Top 10 Reasons For Being A Good Sport
10. Because taunting, trash talk and intimidating behavior have no place in high school sports or on level of sports.
9. Your admission is to watch the performance of highly impressionable 15-18 year old student athletes, not a license to abuse coaches, officials, players, and other spectators.
8. You want others to treat you the way you want to be treated and how many of is want to be treated with disrespect?
7. We need more positive role models for all our students.
6. People don’t always remember the final score – but they always remember the fan in Section Three who made a fool out of him or herself.
5. Because coaches and officials are also teachers. Why would you harass them in the classroom?
4. A national survey indicates student-athletes play high school sports to have fun – not to be number one.
3. It’s how you play the game that counts.
2. It’s simply the right thing to do.
1. Because sportsmanship begins with you!!!
North Hunterdon – Voorhees Regional High School District Student Code of Conduct
Participation in the Athletic Program is a privilege and will be governed by the rules and regulations set forth in the Student Parent Handbook as well as rules and regulations established by the coaching staff.
Student Responsibility is extremely important in the Athletic Program:
This responsibility begins from the time the student is accepted as an athlete on a team until the completion of the interscholastic season. the student is responsible to the coach from the moment he/she reports to the school for the contest until the termination for the contest. This would include: Behavior on and off school grounds, behavior in the locker room, behavior on the bus and behavior at the opposing school’s facilities. Athletes are responsible to conform with the established rules of conduct set forth by the school and the coach with respect to their actions with coaches, teammates, opponents, spectators and official personnel of the home and visiting school.
Any violation of the established rules of conduct may result in a conference with the coach, and/or suspension to include one calendar week and at least one scheduled interscholastic event. The maximum penalty for an offense may be team expulsion.
The following guidelines have been established by the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School district Board of Education in dealing with violations of the student athlete disciplinary code. Whenever an individual is reported to the administration regarding a student athlete’s behavior which may be detrimental to the high school or the athletic program, the following process will be followed in an effort to resolve the matter:
Code of Conduct
Click here to view the Board of Education Approved Code of Conduct.
* Parents and students sign on the first page #4 of the physical form that they have read the “Student Athlete Disciplinary Code” in the North Hunterdon High School Parent/Student Handbook and agree to abide by the code. Parents and students will click on the (Click here for page to print) below and hand this to your coach.
Student Code of Conduct* (Click here for page to print)
I have received a copy of the guidelines and procedures and I understand the guidelines as outlined in that policy. I also understand that student and parent signatures are required and this form must be returned to the school prior to student participation in an interscholastic and/or extracurricular activity.
Parent/Guardian Signature:________________________________
Student Signature:_______________________________________
*Copies to be received from the Coach
Tips for Being a Supportive Parent
(National Federation News)
Being the parent of a high school interscholastic athlete can be an extremely exciting experience. Participating in this adventure wit a son or daughter can be and should be a cherished activity. Partner’s support is very important to the athlete, the high school and the community.
To make this cooperative effort the most rewarding it can be for the parents and the athlete, following are some thoughts collected over the years on being a supportive athletic parent:
Be Positive
Being on a high school team is quite an accomplishment. don’t let playing time dictate the athlete’s happiness. Celebrate the fact thy were good enough to make a team. When you consider over 300 Little Leaguers end up as 10 – 15 seniors on the varsity baseball team, each year they can remain part of a team is cause for celebration.
Be Supportive of the coaching staff in front of your Son/Daughter
Nothing can erode the intricate fabric of teamwork faster then athletes doubting the capabilities of their coaches.
A Message to our Fans
Our athletic programs meet the basic needs of many students and is of great value to them. the success of the program is due to a large extent to the work of the coaches and students involved. The spectator also has a role in the program. If the program is going to continue to be successful, spectators must encourage good sportsmanship, courteous treatment of visitors and absolute fairness under all conditions. This year we ask all fans to remember that “Athletics is FUN!!! and to do your part to keep it fun.
These are high school athletes who are performing. They are friendly rivals as members of opposing teams. They are not enemies.
This basically is the theme of interscholastic athletics, the idea of friendly competition. The visiting team is a guest of the home team. They are expected to be so regarded and treated.
The officials are men and women who, by agreement between competing teams, are assigned to administer the rules of the game. Their experience and their integrity qualify them for their part in this friendly interscholastic contest. This attitude of sportsmanship should be reflected by all spectators, too, no matter what their personal feeling of loyalty may be to one or the other of the teams in each contest.
Spectator Expectations
1. Respect decisions made by contest officials.
2. Refrain from taunting, booing, heckling, and use of profanity in any manor.
3. Sit in the designated area assigned to each school.
4. Leaving a contest prior to its conclusion, with expectations of returning, may not be permitted.
5. Admission to this contest is not a license to verbally assault others or be generally obnoxious.
6. Respect athletes, coaches, and fans.
Number of visitors since 1/23/01
Copyright ©2001 North Hunterdon High School – Annandale N.J. 08801