- New prime number, 10223 × 2^31172165 + 1, is 9.3 million digits long
- Mathematicians say it’s the seventh largest prime number known to date
- Number takes one candidate for lowest Sierpinski number out of running
Mathematicians have discovered a new prime number that is more that nine million digits long.
And, they say it could help to solve the decades-old ‘Sierpinski problem.’
While it’s not the longest ever found, the existence of the new prime, 10223 × 2^31172165 + 1, now takes one of the six possible candidates for the lowest Sierpinski
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3984110/Researchers-reveal-new-prime-number-help-solve-50-year-old-maths-puzzle-s-9-3-MILLION-digits-long.html#ixzz4RVZPEVH1
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