At North Hunterdon our outreach workshops are conducted by our Teen PEP class with all freshman students in both Health and Physical Education. Our Teen PEP class is made up of 20 juniors and two senior leaders who are trained in leadership and sexuality issues. The workshops are each two days and students will attend them during their Health or PE class. There are five required workshops and then each Teen PEP class will chose two more outreaches.
The outreaches are designed with skits, small and large group activities all conducted by the Teen PEP educators. The following are the required workshops with objectives and take home messages for each.
List of Required Workshops:
1. Let’s Wait Awhile– To be presented on October 10th and 13th
2. Later, Baby–Anticipated to be presented in late December
3. Don’t Pass it On–Anticipated to be presented in February
4. Break the Silence–Anticipated to be presented in March
5. Sex on the Rocks–Anticipated to be presented in April
Talk to Me (Family Night Workshop)–To be presented on November 25th at 6:30pm
OPTIONAL WORKSHOPS (would be completed towards the end of the school year after the ones listed above are completed)—two of the five will be chosen by the Teen PEP group each year to complete
Unwelcome Advances: Sexual Harassment Prevention Workshop Evaluation
Bridges of Respect: Homophobia Reduction Workshop Evaluation
Break the Cycle: Dating Violence Prevention Workshop Evaluation