French Club:
Mission: The mission for French Club is to promote French and francophone language and culture to the entire school community throughout the school year, and to encourage all students to increase their knowledge and appreciation of other cultures.
Click Here for more information – LE CLUB FRANCAIS
German Club:
Mission: To gain an appreciation for German culture and language and enjoy camaraderie with fellow German Club members through cultural events, activities, and fundraisers.
Latin Club:
Mission: The Latin Club is designed for students with a special interest in ancient Roman and Greek culture. Activities are designed to promote interest in and gain insight into these cultures.
Click Here for more information – Latin Club
Spanish Club:
Mission: To bring students together who share a passion for Spanish language and Hispanic culture through activities and fundraisers
DATES: Spanish club will meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 2:30 in Room 221. Listen to announcements for reminders and additional meeting times.
ADVISOR: Señora Sturla